ECOOP 2017

The European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming is the European forum for bringing together researchers, practitioners, and students to share their ideas and experiences in all topics related to programming languages, software development, object-oriented technologies, systems and applications. It is a well-integrated collage of events, featuring carefully refereed technical papers, topic-focused workshops, a doctoral symposium, a summer school and outstanding invited speakers.
ECOOP will take place from June 18th to 23rd 2017 at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), in Barcelona. Colocated conferences include PLDI, DEBS, ISMM, LCTES and Curry On.
Barcelona metro system announced a strike on Monday, June 19. Service will still be available but less frequent and thus more crowded during rush hours. We advice participants arriving by metro to take it around 8:00 so as to arrive on time.
On-site registration will take place in the hall of Aula Master (building A3) on Sunday, and at the main hall of Vertex Building, Monday to Friday.

Youtube playlist
Invited Speakers

Research in Software EngineeringLinqCodeContractsTask Parallel LibraryIntelliTestSpec#VCC2016 Mills Award
AITO Dahl-Nygaard Prizes

We are happy to announce the AITO Dahl-Nygaard Prizes for 2017. The Junior Prize goes to Ross Tate for his fundamental contributions to type systems with applications to object-oriented languages. The Senior Prize is awarded to Gilad Bracha for his outstanding work on many topics relevant to the field of object-orientation, including mixins, Java generics, Strongtalk and Newspeak.
Check AITO's DN Prizes page to find out more!
Andrew Black keynote at Gala Dinner

We are happy to announce that Andrew Black will be delivering a keynote speech during the gala dinner, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of OO and Simula.
Andrew Black is a Professor of Computer Science at Portland State University, Oregon, USA. He has been interested in programming language language design, and in the way that programming languages influence thought, since 1972 — the year in which he first encountered Algol 60. He is currently engaged in designing Grace, a new language for teaching object-printed concepts to novice computer scientists.
In May 1967, IFIP Technical Committee 2 organized a working conference on Simulation Languages at Lysebu, a resort in the hills outside Oslo. At that conference, Ole Johan Dahl and Kristen Nygaard presented a paper entitled "Class and Subclass Declarations" that proposed the idea of classes generating "detachable objects" dynamically, and of one class "prefixing" another. Thus were the main technical ideas of object-oriented programming brought into the world; a month later, they were standardized as Simula 67. As Dahl later remarked, "a team of two, working in the periphery of Europe [had] hit on programming principles of lasting importance". Fifty years later, we are still refining those ideas, which have proven to be remarkably durable. Are there other insights in Simula 67 that will carry us forward for another fifty years?
Sunday 18th | Monday 19th | Tuesday 20th | Wednesday 21th | Thursday 22th | Friday 23rd |
ECOOP Doctoral Symposium |
Curry On | ECOOP | ||||
ECOOP Summer School |
JSTools | FTfJP | PLDI Tutorials |
PLDI Workshops |
IWACO | PMLDC | PLDI Workshops |
ECOOP Reception |
ECOOP Dinner |

The 31st edition of ECOOP will include the following prizes and awards.